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Katya Berger

Movies: 3
Sensitive scenes as a minor: 26

Piccole labbra (1978) 

Eva has sex with the young man from the street fair.
Sex: 10
Nudity: 5
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldpartial

Time: 1:13:20-1:14:16 (56s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 15
Storie di ordinaria follia (1981) 


Katya Berger strips down in front of a middle-aged man, who then briefly cups her bare breasts. Full frontal exposure.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
14 years oldfullfull

Time: 1:33:58-1:36:57 (2m 59s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2023 November, 8
Nana (1983) 

Nana (Katya Berger) takes off her bathrobe and takes a bath.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldpartialfull

Time: 0:05:00-0:06:50 (1m 50s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

In a black and white film screening, Nana (Katya Berger) simulates a love scene with a gendarme.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 3
Points: 11
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldfull

Time: 0:09:33-0:10:13 (40s)
added: 2021 July, 21 | modified: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

Through a hole, men are eyeing Nana (Katya Berger) who is walking naked in her room, she is playing with a rabbit.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:13:10-0:15:27 (2m 17s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

Old man has sex with Nana (Katya Berger)
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Points: 17
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:17:24-0:18:30 (1m 6s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

In a show, Nana (Katya Berger) is lying naked on a sofa. She has a black rabbit on her stomach. After a magic trick, she is replaced by a black person and a white rabbit. It's Katya Berger in black makeup.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:27:28-0:28:05 (37s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

In the screening of a black and white film, Nana (Katya Berger) is rolled up in a carpet and freaks out a man.
Nudity: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldfull

Time: 0:28:42-0:29:15 (33s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

A man looks at a picture of Nana (Katya Berger) in a book.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldpartial

Time: 0:31:54-0:32:25 (31s)
added: 2021 July, 21
Nana (1983) 

Nana (Katya Berger) dances half-naked in front of an emir.
Nudity: 5
Points: 5
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
16 years oldpartialfull

Time: 0:32:47-0:33:10 (23s)
added: 2021 July, 21

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1984)

