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Piccole labbra (1978)


IMDb 5.4/10  (764) RFF 6.8/10  (31)


Sensitive scenes: 11 (6m 56s)
Keywords: first-kiss, girl-bath-scene, girl-first-sexual-experience, girl-man-relationship, girl-nudity
Adult content: 10/10
Nudity: 9/10

Country: Spain  Italy
Director: Mimmo Cattarinich
Runtime: 86 minutes


A scene that was censored or cut during editing. It must have been around the 26:30 time slot. Eva drops her shirt and gets under the sheets. She undoes her hair, you only see her bare shoulders. Then she goes to bed. We see her hand pass under the sheet.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years old
Scene is cut | Information is not verified
added: 2021 January, 18 | modified: 2021 January, 18
Eva (Katya Berger, 11) is bathing by the river in just a loose shirt, partial frontal nudity.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:17:29-0:18:19 (50s)
added: 2009 October, 22
Eva is changing in attic, her nude rear seen in mirror.
Nudity: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldfull

Time: 0:28:53-0:29:05 (12s)
added: 2020 November, 25
Eva comes out the water in wet clothes. Writer kisses her in lips and in her belly.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldpartialpartialpartial

Time: 0:39:41-0:40:30 (49s)
added: 2020 November, 25 | modified: 2021 January, 8
Eva and writer kissing.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years old

Time: 0:43:21-0:43:22 (1s)
added: 2020 November, 26
Nude Eva lies on sofa.
Nudity: 5
Points: 5
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldpartialpartial

Time: 0:43:31-0:43:57 (26s)
added: 2020 November, 26
Eva undoing her chemise in the attic and rubbing her breast
Nudity: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldfull

Time: 0:46:55-0:47:21 (26s)
added: 2009 October, 22
Eva standing in a tub fully naked soaping and washing herself, then dropping the soap and masturbating herself [not shown].
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:50:16-0:52:17 (2m 1s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 April, 12
Eva sits wrapped in a blanket while her dress dries. Her chest partially seen.
Nudity: 2
Points: 2
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldpartial

Time: 0:57:11-0:57:23 (12s)
added: 2020 November, 26
Shown as fantasy of the writer: Eva is squeezing her breast (close-up), then allowing her gown to drop: brief full nudity and in the end she lies down naked on a sofa.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldfullfull close up

Time: 1:04:19-1:05:22 (1m 3s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 April, 12
Eva has sex with the young man from the street fair.
Sex: 10
Nudity: 5
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katya Berger
11 years oldpartial

Time: 1:13:20-1:14:16 (56s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 15

Behind the scenes

The following is an excerpt from "".

Katya Berger had a head start in the acting industry. Her father was a famous actor and her mother was an actress and songwriter. Piccole Labbre is a film that is set after World War 2. She starred in the film at the age of twelve. In the film, a veteran fell in love with her twelve year old character. It was unconventional but she performed many nude scenes. After Piccole Labbre, she continued acting in other unconventional films in which she was nude. She stopped acting at seventeen. A twelve year old should never have to be naked in front of an audience and worse yet, a camera. It must have scarred her for life. No wonder she left the industry when she was old enough to make her own decisions and never looked back.
In a 1984 interview in Italian newspaper "La Stampa", Katya Berger recalled how her stepfather William Berger was for her embarking on an actress career. "He was in favor and helped me a lot. When I was 12 years old I told him what I wanted to do. He was happy about it-we were in Sardinia then-and he took me to Rome and introduced me to the right people. And so I immediately did a first part in a film," Berger said regarding her role in this movie.

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